Thursday, February 27, 2014

Rhetorical Appeals: 2013 Cocoa Puffs Commercial

In the 2013 Cocoa Puffs Cereal commercial, there are appeals to logos and ethos in order to persuade the targeted audience of 5 - 12 year old kids. The commercial sets the stage in a Cocoa puffs lab. There is an experiment taking place that involves the bird trying to restrain from eating the cereal and seeing how long the bird can last. This shows an appeal to logos because the commercial is using an experiment as its evidence that Cocoa Puffs cereal is irresistible. This appeal is also shown when a timer is put on the screen to show how long it takes the bird to go crazy and need to eat the cereal. The timer is the commercial's source of proof that "you can see for yourself" that the bird goes crazy over the cereal in a matter of seconds. The commercial also uses the appeal to logos on the scenery with the set up of a high-tech lab. There are big computers and other technologies in the background that make the scene look official and trust worthy. There is also an appeal to ethos implemented into the commercial when two scientist are watching over the experiment. They represent evidence that a real experiment is taking place and is being studied. Scientist are considered a source of valid and correct data, so the use of them shows an authority figure who people usually don't question.


  1. The thing you said about the scientist being an authority figure we usually don't question was very striking to me. I have seen this commercial several times and never really thought about their role until now.

  2. I agree with your comment about the scientist because we generally accept what these figures in society say is true. It was very smart for the writers to put this figure in the ad because it makes us less likely to question the validity of what they're saying.
