Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Audience: Cocoa Puffs Commercial 2013

The main audience for this commercial is children from ages 5-12. Children were not only attracted to the very "chocolaty" vibrant images of the cereal throughout the commercial, but also the numerous machines of technology engages children considering technology is a big part of children's everyday life today. The reaction that Sonny the Cuckoo Bird has when he's around the cereal, also implies that this is how children should feel when they're around the cereal. Children are supposed to go "cuckoo for cocoa puffs," meaning to them they have to have them.


  1. And what does the threat of going cuckoo do to parents?

  2. I really like how you added the part about how technology is important to children's lives now. It does fit the time period well and is captivating to children growing up in 2013. I'm not sure the last two sentences were worded the way audience analysis should be but I do think it should be incorporated somehow.
    -Breauna Athey

  3. Well said in the OP. I'll share with you, that though i'm not a child this caught my attention and made me wonder if Cocoa Puffs is that good, i'm thinking that the marketers of this cereal wanted to reach within its audience(GP) and pull the inner child out of us all. In a way i think general mills is trying to say Cocoa Puffs can make just about anyone show that crazy side not just the kids who it definitely appeals to as you stated.

  4. I agree with what you said about the "very chocolatey vibrant images" that appeal to younger kids. It still even appealed to me, they looked incredible. I think the cuckoo bird going crazy for this cereal makes the children watching the commercial think that they're going to love the cereal as much as this crazy bird does. Also, every kid loves their chocolate milk, so the fact that they pointed out how chocolatey the cereal makes the milk really appeals to kids.

  5. I really like how in your response you included the prevalence of technology into the lives of children today. It is so true that wherever a child is whether at dinner or out in public they have their own personal technological device to keep them entertained. The excitement of the bird also pulls the children into the commercial as it did for myself!
