Thursday, February 27, 2014

Ethos in 1960 Cocoa puff commercial

In this commercial the narrator establishes ethos. The narrator is a well spoken, yet calm man that seems to know what he is talking about. But more importantly when he describes how "delicious", "luscious", and "crisp" the "Hershey" Cocoa puffs are, there are images in the background of the chocolate corn puffs being poured into a bowl and getting mixed with milk. These images catch the viewer's eye because of how irresistible and delicious it looks. The way the chocolaty cocoa puffs are presented to the viewer not only catches the eye, but also backs up the narrator's description. The narrator knows what he is talking about and he gives the viewer a sense of how delicious the cereal is from listening and watching the commercial.


  1. You definitely make good points about how the narrator knows what he is taking about which allows his to establish an authority over the commercial. However couldnt the description of the "delicious", "luscious," etc also be pathos in an attempt to persuade the audience?

  2. I agree that the narrators choice of word definitely draws in the viewer. It combos nicely with the graphics as the cocoa puffs is mixed in with the milk.

  3. The adjectives the narrator uses seem very carefully chosen in order to draw the attention of the viewer. The images presented of the "delicious" cocoa puffs provides the best visual evidence that the narrator's words are true.

  4. I like how you discussed the use of descriptive words in this commercial. It makes the product seem very good as well as capturing the viewers attention.
