Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sense of Humor: 2013 Cocoa Puffs Commercial

Previously, I had mentioned that there is humor present in this commercial, but I was made aware that I did not go into detail about it. Children, especially around the ages 5-12 years old, find it humorous to do what we call "silly stuff," which is essentially being hyperactive and loud; everything Sonny the Cuckoo Bird is doing. Throughout the commercial, as Sonny destroys the lab and floods it with chocolate, he does so with a big smile or grin on his face thus making it seem to children that this is funny and it's okay because at the end the scientists who were observing just looked at each other expressionless, and there wasn't any type of consequence. Since it's known that the audience targeted copies everything they see because they're at such a vulnerable age, they will most likely begin acting this way towards their parents because in their mind it's funny. 


  1. I like the fact that you pointed out that children imitate what they see on tv. This could be a reason why CoCo puffs make huge profit.

  2. I like how you related how the children would most likely act in the same way after seeing seeing this commercial. The parents will then have to deal with their children acting that way. I think the parents will then have a conflict with the company for making a commercial that teaches their children that being destructive comes without consequence.

  3. Silly things are very appealing to children. So when they see this crazy bird bouncing around they laugh and start paying attention to the commercial. Then they see the delicious chocolate cereal and want to buy some.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I agree with Sam. Children (as do adults) hate commercials and tend to not pay attention or remember it as soon as the next commercial comes on, so in order to draw the kids' attention, you need to draw them in. The loudness and the silliness of the bird was a great way of exciting the children and made them curious as to what the bird was freaking out over.
