Sunday, March 2, 2014

Diction of 1960 Cocoa puff commercial

The word choice implemented in this commercial is very clever. The most memorable and important part of this commercial is the phrase "Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs". The repetition of this phrase by the Cuckoo bird engraves the idea of how awesome cocoa puffs are in the viewers head. The narrator pulls the viewer in when he starts off the commercial saying "young friends". The audience is young children of ages 5-12, and when children hear a calm, friendly voice, it gives them comfort. This friendly remark is a great way to start a commercial intended for a young audience. The commercial goes on using words like "delicious", "luscious", and "Hershey chocolate". Although simple, these words both establish ethos, like I described in my last post, and make Cocoa puffs seem extremely desirable. The importance of diction in this advertisement is revealed between these two commercials. "Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs", the catch phrase used by the Cuckoo bird in 1960, is stilled used in 2013. A span of over 50 years went by and this phrase has continued to thrive and prove its importance in advertisements. I know when I see or hear about Cocoa puffs, I think of the phrase "Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs". This makes me think of how crazy the Cuckoo bird was because of the delicious cereal. Not many cereals have a catchy and long-lasting catch phrase. The history of using the same phrase in Cocoa Puff advertisements proves how essential word choice is.


  1. Solid analysis. I now realize how long people have been saying "cuckoo for cocoa puffs," and it amazes me that its still around. Do you think the commercial appeals to other age groups besides just 5-12?

  2. I too never realized that the slogan has been in use for so long! Has that been the only go-to line or were there ever any other creative ones?

  3. Dang, I didn't think that slogan has been around since then. When I see their bird or even anything to do with Cocoa Puffs, "Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs" comes to mind every single time. I think if they were to change their slogan from that, the world may never be the same. haha.

  4. Well done, the word choice for the commercial is very clever. It draws in the children watching. It is also interesting, as you pointed out, that the slogan hasn't changed.
