Sunday, March 2, 2014

Color choice: 2013 Cocoa Puffs commercial

In the 2013 commercial the main two colors that stick out throughout the advertisement are the brown of the chocolate and the orange of the bird. The background is mainly different shades of white and gray, which helps to emphasize on the bird and the cereal. This makes it fairly easy for the young audience of the commercial to pick out what is important and what to look at for. There are also bright red letters that pop up and keep flashing that say "in progress". This helps to draw the viewers attention to a "live" experiment that is taking place. The overall use of the colors is to allow the main parts of the commercial to stand out, which would be the bird, the cereal, and the experiment. These three aspects of the commercial need to be focused on in order to make the advertisement successful, which is why the viewer's attention is supposed to be drawn towards them.


  1. You are right about the vibrant colors, in the commercial they definitely assist in getting the main point across.

  2. Yes, I agree with you and Jhonny; the color choice was very important in getting the point across. They used a lot of light colors in the background to make sure the viewer focused on the brown of the cocoa puffs and the orange of the bird.
